Monday, July 13, 2009

Week1 post9 Java Philosophy

The Java Philosophy video included a series of quotes made by several different philosophers I assume. Some of them were very clever, and some disturbing. There was a few that especially caught my attention.

Soren Kierkegaard's quote shows a bit of absolutism. How can there only be two possible situations? One would regret both if either situations are chosen. I might agree with him on the second part of his statement, but if he is talking about life, then there is no way one can compress it into two situations. One particular quote I liked was that of Jean Paul Sartre's in which he says "everything has been figured out, except how to live." I think he is trying to convey that although society may have its rules and restrictions, we still have the freedom to lead a distinct life amongst each other and do whatever we like, but what is it that we do?

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