Monday, July 13, 2009

Week1 post10 Nicholas of Cusa

I'm going to be honest here; after watching the Nicholas Cusa video, I was completely lost. I don't know if those were separate quotes that was talking about different subjects or one big mathematical theory that linked to each other. I'm not sure if he was even rambling on about math. I feel like I just went there and back into Alice's Wonderland. All I remember from watching this video was A + B + C and C - B - A, and how the beginning goes to the end or the end goes back to the beginning and something about mediation.

I'm guessing he was talking about math because a lot of the terms he used sounded mathematical and outrageous. Also I remember when I visited the the site that had the link to the video, at the bottom of the page had a quote that compared him to the ancient but ingenious mathmetician Pythagoras. The video left me painfully confused at the end, but nevertheless it was still a bit interesting.

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