Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week1 post6 reaction to Socratic Universe

"What Do You Think Happens to Us After Death?"

The answer to this question depends on the individual. Like many of the philosophers, if one interprets this as a question of what will happen to our physical body, then the answer is very simple; we decompose. However, if the person whom the question is addressed to is an atheist and does not believe in an afterlife, then they most definitely would add that we humans, like any other biological creature, would simply shut down when the body shuts down and that would be the end.

Being a man of faith, I entirely agree with McGray's simple answer, "either heaven or hell." I believe that the only true conclusion in the epilogue of our lives is either we enter heaven or hell, and the one and only judge who decides where we end up is God Himself. He would judge us fairly and mercifully depending on the way we lived our life.

Nevertheless, the question will become much more complicated to answer if evidence is also demanded. All I can say is that one must rely heavily on faith.

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